$499.00 USD

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June 6-8, 2025

3-day via Zoom live

Welcome to our Virtual 3-day Hypnosis Certification Course, where you'll gain the skills to assist individuals with:

  • Achieving their desired goals
  • Enhancing performance in any aspect of their lives
  • Exploring new avenues for personal growth
  • Learn how to craft your own scripts and receive ready to use scripts on stopping smoking and weight loss

Benefit from ongoing support and interaction with a Certified Hypnosis Trainer post-training.

Join our expanding Facebook Community to connect with like-minded individuals.

Did you know that Hypnosis is scientifically proven to drive positive change and foster empowerment and motivation?

This interactive class allows you to practice tools and techniques firsthand, culminating in the attainment of your hypnotherapy certification. Whether you're new to the field or a seasoned practitioner, there's always more to learn.

Supplement your learning with suggested reading and an open-book written test, with a workbook included.

For flexible payment plan options, reach out to Debra directly.

For further inquiries, contact [email protected] or call 954.226.0078.

What People Are Saying:

Really fantastic training Debra! Thank you so much! One can never have too many new skills.

Becky M.

Oh what fun we had... loved this deeper dive into the richness of this subject. As always, when facilitated by Debra, you just know magic happens. I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned so much. The content is so valuable and I loved the blend of new content with refreshing previously understood content. There were so many gems there for me. Great new learning. I truly appreciate you Debra and the robust and succinct training you provide. It's always fun and a pleasure.

Austin S.

I just completed the 3 Day Hypnosis Certification Training that Debra Heslin presented. It was fabulous! My understanding of hypnosis has been raised to a whole new level. The course included lots of practical, relevant ideas and techniques, and I have already been able to incorporate some of them into my practice. Debra's presentation was clear, interactive, and dynamic, and fun!

Frank M.

Thank you so much for creating the hypnosis course, it was very hands on with loads of practice exercises which put me at ease quickly with hypnosis! I had felt uncomfortable with hypnosis previously however now feel I have a solid foundation to include it more regularly in my coaching business. Thank you for creating this productive hypnosis course - highly recommend to others!

Deborah W