$575.00 USD


What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a powerful, scientifically validated framework with ancient roots.  It speaks to the age old questions of being human – “Who am I really?  What motivates me, and how is that different to others?  How can I feel more fulfilled?  Why does change sometimes seem so hard?"  The Enneagram illuminates both the challenges and the magic that we experience in human relationships and gently reminds us that we can be more than we are today!

It offers insights into the heart of human nature and supports us to grow our self-awareness and reach our full potential.  It is a mindful guide of self-discovery and a gentle guide for effective conflict resolution.  Basically, it is a powerful, multi-faceted tool, proven to add tremendous value to anyone’s life.

Around the world, millions of people are turning to the Enneagram to support them in personal growth and enriching their relationships, family lives, careers, leadership effectiveness, spiritual journeys, and more.  The Enneagram makes the connection between who we are and why we do what we do, creating a clear, tangible link between our growing self-awareness and increasing our ability to achieve our goals.

When we are not self-aware, we operate on autopilot and don’t see own beliefs, thoughts and habits can be limiting us.  The Enneagram reveals our core beliefs and motivations that shape our attention and choices we make – and invites us to a world of broader options.  This self-awareness leads to a ripple effect, changing how we see the world, how we respond to others, and how we show up.

Who doesn’t want to have a higher self-awareness and emotional intelligence to improve happiness, job performance, problem-solving, relationship satisfaction, and increased effectiveness – as well as lower anxiety and stress.

You will receive a full printout of your Enneagram profile and 3-one hour coaching sessions to understand your type more in-depth.