$349.00 USD

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HeartMath - The Coherence Advantage Course - November 2023

U.S. November 3 and 4, 2023 - Times 3 - 8 PM EST

AU - November 4 and 5, 2023  - Times 7 AM - 12 noon and check for daylight savings in AU for November 5

This course will be live and interactive on zoom and approximately 8-10 hours over two separate days.

PDF Workbook included as well as other tools-

Some of the highlights of the course Include:

  • Expanding our Energy Capacity - and the tools and techniques to do that
  • Self-Regulation - The Key to Having More Energy - what are major sources of energy drains and technique to assist with that
  • The Science and Practice of Getting in Sync
  • Moving from Depletion to Renewal - Keeping Your Inner Battery Charged
  • Practical Intuition: Accessing Our Inner GPS and Unfolding Creative Solutions - technique to achieve with that
  • Establishing Coherent Baselines: Breaking Through Self-Limiting Patterns
  • Energetic Communication: "What Are We Feeding The Field?" - It Matters
  • Building A New Foundation for Sustaining Personal Transformation: Your Next Steps


For more information call 954.226.0078 or email [email protected]

What People Are Saying:

The HeartMath class - I am so appreciative of the techniques I learned that reinforce my power to heal myself and others. As a coach, Debra over delivers value and it probably spoils me a little in how that alters my expectations of other courses. These techniques reduce my excuses as to why I don't have "time" to focus on my own emotional self care. My family and workload are a blessing - and - a significant source of what I tell myself is the reason why I spend insufficient attention on my own emotional wellbeing. These techniques are so efficient for me and others, it's been so very interesting to have already taught others and put it into practice together... in particular, to observe its impact on some of the people in my life that seem to resist effective use of other techniques. This was fun, interesting and well timed. Do yourself and others a favor and jump on it, the next time she's gracious enough to teach it.


I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for The Hearthmath Coherence Advantage course. Your sharing over the weekend was incredibly valuable, and the techniques you provided are not only easy to use but also applicable to both my family life and work. I've started implementing some of these techniques with my three children and they're absolutely loving it! Additionally, I've successfully integrated them into my client sessions, yielding wonderful results. I genuinely appreciate the entire course, the materials, the science behind and your generosity in sharing so much knowledge. Your teaching style made it accessible and easy to understand. This weekend was a fantastic experience, a true journey of personal growth. Thank you, I thoroughly enjoyed it!


I wasn't exactly sure what to expect from the HeartMath Coherence Advantage program. I knew a little about HeartMath, and found Debra to be an inspiring and effective facilitator for NLP, so I signed up. I'm so happy I did! Learning with a skilled facilitator like Debra Heslin is such a joy! She has an engaging, thoughtful approach to teaching, and the balance of information sharing, practice, and variety of teaching tools works well for all learning modes. I appreciate that Debra openly shares about her experiences using the tools and techniques. Giving examples of what has worked, and how to adjust when things don't go as expected, is so helpful. The Coherence Advantage techniques can be applied in so many situations. It was like finally finding words and exercises to explain feelings I've had for a long time. Now the Coherence Advantage tools will help me guide my clients to recognize their emotions and help shift them in ways that support their goals. I'm so grateful to Debra for this training, and I look forward to learning more with her in future classes.


These were 2 very inspiring days with you for which I'm extremely grateful. I did two Heart Lock-Ins today which really gave me energy. And a little (intuition) voice spoke to me this morning giving me great advice. This course has already brought me so much, I can hardly believe it. You'll definitely be getting referrals from me and I look forward to meeting up again with the group. Warm wishes and heart love.


I loved all the simple, yet profound, techniques you taught. They empower us to move to the next level vibrationally, while building our resilience to bounce back from difficult situations! I loved learning the comprehensive science behind Heart-Math techniques! I enjoyed the energy of the class and how flexible you were with answering everyone’s questions while respectfully keeping the course on track! I look forward to applying what I’ve learned to my everyday life! A very heart-felt thanks!
