Discover more About
Debra Heslin
Hi, I’m Debra
I help people worldwide learn about themselves and recognize patterns and behaviors that are holding them back from achieving their goals and living in their ideal state of health and fulfillment. My journey here started with a nagging curiosity to better understand how simple changes I was making (like moving my body) made such a profound difference in other areas of my life. Myself and my community are now on a mission using what we know about the brain and our body to take accountability for our reality and live more fulfilled and healthier lives.
- Neuro Linguistic Programming
- EYT-500 Yoga Teacher
- Hypnosis
- Designing Your Future
- Time Line Work
- Success Principles Trainer
- Passion Test Facilitator
- Havening Practitioner
- HeartMath Resilience
- EQ Profile Interpretation
- Positive Psychology
- Enneagram - IEQ9
- High Performance Coaching
- Mind Power Coaching
- Huna

My Story

Physically exhausted, emotionally drained and professionally unfulfilled, I found myself back in my doctor’s office desperately seeking an answer. Surely there would be some medical reason for my body’s response to this life I had become a passive participant of.
”Debra, you don’t have any of the signs of clinical depression. You don’t need medication, you need to do more of what is making you happy and design your future around that.
Take some time off from work if you can, find some answers to what it is you truly want, take action on those responses—and the rest will come.”
Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting to hear. But his words were simple enough. Find out what it is I truly want? What makes me happy? I felt I didn’t have a clue to the answers. I fell into my yoga practice more, that was easy. However, when I left the yoga room and let the rest unfold? Not so much.
Yoga did become the beginning of my prescription, I began practicing and studying its basic principles. I became increasingly more curious to understand why an hour on the mat could change my mental and physical energies. That same curiosity led me to study leaders in the fields of mindfulness, personal development and spiritual growth. I became certified in self-mastery teachings, corporate and performance coaching and trainings (working in the areas of relationships, career and finances, health and fitness, family and environment, personal development), releasing of major negative emotions through Time Line Therapy®, PTSD, and hypnosis, NLP Coaching, Canfield Success Principles, and passion testing through Janet Bray-Attwood—and sure enough, my path to a new, more fulfilling life began to unfold.
In the 8+ years since then, I have coached clients in both personal and professional settings from corporate leaders to the general public. Some are overcoming limiting or destructive habits, beliefs and thoughts, or processing challenging life experiences or transitions—others are simply making small changes that have a big impact with positive outcomes. Though it’s commonly what causes people to seek help, why wait for burnout—for that moment in the doctors office—to make changes in our lives.
When you take action and put in time to work on yourself, you will see immediate benefits ripple throughout your life exponentially. It happened in my own life and in the lives of those I’ve worked with. And if you’re ready, I’m ready to see it in yours.
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